
Six Surefire Ways To Grow Your Vending Machine Business


From soda cans to chocolate, candy and many gourmet delicacies, vending machines provide all your favorite snacks. These machines are found almost everywhere whether in the workplace, travel locations, or just any place people get together.

Currently, it is a $42 billion industry and can be quite profitable for individual looking to have their own business.

According to the National Automatic Merchandising Association, 18% of vending machine operators make between $1 to $4 million a year.

So, whether you have started your vending machine business or plan to start one, here is how you can take it to the next level-


Choose A Stable Location


A vending machine business worksbest when it is placedin a stable location. The best locationsare major establishments that include a park, supermarkets, industrial companies and other highly visited public places. You might have to share a minor part of profits with the owner, but it is worth it as you will be generating potential revenue.


Consider Proper Service and Maintenance


You must maintain your machines in order to boost your income.  Always keep your machines clean and in good condition to ensure they will entice buyers. The machines must always be clean, full of supplies and they be replenished twice a week.

You must also insure the machine is operating at its best to avoid the loss of a potential customer.


Increase the Machine Lineup


Once your vending machine business starts, grow your vending machine and its supplies to meet the demands of your customers.

You might consider buying a new machine, but make sure you use your profits for this purpose. However, if you plan on saving capital for future purposes, you can buy a second-hand vending machine.



Keep Payment Options


Everyone doesn’t carry coins.   You must have a vending machine that accepts both bills and coins.  Customers are more likely to use your machine if they don’t have to have change in their pockets.


Keep the Option of Secure Referrals


In order to increase the growth of your business, make sure that you provide exceptional services.  Your regular customers will be more likely to refer your service to others as well.


Have a Diverse Range of Products in Your Vending Machines


A single type of candy or soft drink will not get you the success that you are looking for. You must provide a variety of products.

You can also go for toys or two products that seamlessly complement each other. As you start providing all the type of items, customers will come to you as one vending machine will cater their all needs.


The Bottom Line


However, the success of the vending machine is not determined by scaling up.  You also have to make adjustments so it fits the world of all your customers. The vending machine business has exceptional income potential, but you will have to follow the above tips in order to attain that income potential.

Things You Should Know About Starting A Healthy Vending Busines


Are you tired of your 9 to 5 job?  Always dreamed about starting your business?  Well, perhaps it’s time to consider the Vending Machine Business.

As you know, here are many factors to consider when starting a business.

Some say that this business will grow in no time while some say it takes a long time and much investment to get established.  There are so misconceptions that they have become, by default, fact.

If you are concerned about these misconceptions, you need to read this right away!


The Vending Machine Sector Is A Fragile Sector


An advertisement on the vending machine doesn’t usually provide information on the amount of maintenance required to keep your device in a perfect condition. Just remember, vending machines are electronic products and will require maintenance over time.


Myth Unfolded

To attain success in the vending machine business, you have to maintain your machines properly.


If you have ever purchased something from a vending machine, you must have a situation where you put your money in and get nothing in return!  You just lost the money and there is no one you can call for help.This often happens due to a lack of maintenance on the part of the machine owner.  Therefore, you need to understand that you must provide regular maintenance in order to ensure they work correctly.


You have ZERO Cash To Start A Business


The amount of money needed to start a vending business is moderately small. But remember, you will still need money to invest in your machines, products and regular maintenance costs.


Long Story Short


The money to invest in a healthy vending business is relatively low if you start with just one machine.


Set Up The Business When The Time Is Right


Myth Busted


No time is right, you have to make it right!


There is no right time to invest in a business.  Finding the courage to make the jump is one of the most terrifying, thrilling and important actions one can ever make in the market. The absolute terror of not having a regular paycheck enough of a kick in the rear to get you going fast.



Pro-Tips  –  If you want to keep your 9 – 5 job, you can still get started


  • Be a good planner
  • Try a healthy vending machine business as a side business. We recommend that you get advice from the experts as this may be complicated to do by yourself.
  • Do your homework – Learn your industry well; get to know all about the business models that are most appealing to you.
  • Make a fair. Consider all options including whether you want to sell another company’s products, want to offer a service or want open a franchise


“Life’s too short to run a BUSINESS you hate so it’s GOOD to do what you love NOW.


Do you want to start your own vending business today? You are at the right place! Call us now to get started!


Happy Healthy Vending!




Have a business idea? Here’s How You Can Know if it’ll really work


When you think of starting a business, plenty of ideas comes to your mind. Many of them offer you opportunities to make good money, but you don’t always know what works for others may work well for you or not.


Finally, you choose an idea for your business with still some doubts in your mind. Here’s how you can know whether your business idea will work or not.


Are you interested in the idea?


The best way to choose a business idea is to find a business in which you are most interested. Most people are inclined to the businesses that make money in the present era. However, if you are not interested, they might not work for you. For example, opening an electronics store is a lucrative business idea, but if you are not a tech-savvy person, or not interested in electronic gadgets, the business might not work for you.


Do you know your competition?


Have a business idea? Here’s How You Can Know if it’ll really work


After you finalise a business idea and decide to start your business, think once again whether you know your competition.  You need to know your competitors and their market share. What products or services they offer and how can you provide a better product or service. You will also need to evaluate their marketing strategies, reputation among customers, price and quality of their products and services. All these things will help you to develop better products and business strategies.


What makes your chosen idea successful?


Choosing a business idea opens the way for your success. Every business has its target customers and ways of marketing the business. Your ability to meet the requirements of your business will define its success. The most important thing is understanding the customer needs and preferences. If you know what your customers want, you can develop a product or service according to their needs. Products and services which satisfy the requirements of customers always sell.


Does your business solve a problem?


Have a business idea? Here’s How You Can Know if it’ll really work



Every individual in this world has problems. Businesses that solve a problem always work well. You need to think whether your company can develop a product or service that can solve a problem for masses. If your business can solve the problems of common people or a huge customer segment, it can be successful even in the competition.




Sustainability of your business depends on many factors including its demand and supply. If you are offering a specific product or service, check if it has enough demand in the market. On the other hand, if you are thinking of developing a new product or service, go for surveys to check its demand among your potential customers. You need to do adequate research to check whether your business plan, product, or service is sustainable or not.


Final Note


The points given in this post can help any entrepreneur to decide whether a business idea will work well or not. However, there are many other things like marketing plans, customer demand, and economic factors like inflation that can affect the success of a startup business.

With the increasing health awareness among the masses, operating a healthy vending machine is a profitable business idea that can be started with considerably less investment and operating costs. Get in touch with us to make your dream of having.

Healthy Snacks that Aid Weight Loss


Are you looking forward to losing some pounds but can’t give up on your love for snacks? Well, you don’t have to. The reason you could not lose the extra fat till now may be your choice of snacks. This category of foods has some healthy alternatives too which can help you get lean and stay healthy at the same time.


Here is a checklist of healthy snacks for you to choose from:


  1. Mixed Nuts

The best snack for weight loss is mixed nuts. They are a perfect combination of fat, fiber, and protein. Although there is no direct connection between weight loss and mixed nuts, mixed nuts are not known to cause weight gain. Nuts contain unsaturated fats, and these do not cause any shift in the scale. Even if again occurs, it is not much.  Some of the best nuts include walnuts, brazil nuts, pistachios, peanuts, almonds, and cashews.  Be sure to eat them in moderation as the fat content is slightly high.



  1. Popcorn

Three cups of popcorn contain 4 grams of protein, 4 grams of fiber and 1 gram of fat which amount to only 110 calories. This means it has the right amount of fiber, is low in fat content and contains protein too. The nutritional content ensures it provides ample energy for the day.


Popcorn helps you take a break from juices and other snacks. The crunch ineach munch will make the snack even more delightful. Keep it free of additives, especially salt, and enjoy it on your way to a leaner you.



  1. Sun-dried Red tomatoes

These little red beauties are a good source of protein.  In addition, they contain iron, Vitamins C and Kand lycopene (an antioxidant).1 cup of sun-dried tomatoes contains only 30 grams of carbohydrates, 6.6 grams of fiber, 7.6 grams of protein and 1.6 grams of fat. 100 grams of sun-dried tomatoes contain a little over 200 calories.


They are available either in the dried form or dipped in oil (can be used to prepare different recipes and are relatively softer). One can prepare sandwiches, salads, dressings, sauces and more. Addition of herbs can make eating the recipes even more delightful.


  1. Chocolate

Yes, it is healthy, but not the sweet or milky kind. Only dark chocolate is known for its weight loss benefits. It is less processed and the cocoa content is 70% or higher. Dark chocolate helps reduce your cravings.  Flavanols present in it are known for lowering blood sugar levels and decreasing body fat.  Dark chocolate helps you feel full and helps control your appetite. Dark chocolate helps reduce stress levels too.Stress makes you eat more. With reduced stress you may eat less and not gain extra weight gain.


Summing up


You can have yogurt, hummus, bananas, and/or avocados too. These are also healthier snack options for losing weight.Eat as per your mood. We have provided you with enough options.


And don’t forget us!

Is Healthy Food Really More Expensive Than Regular Food? Let’s Find Out

It is a general belief that healthy foods are more expensive than regular foods. There may be some truth to that statement but consider the benefits of eating more healthy foods. The price of healthy and organic foods is generally higher than the regular foods options like processed or refined food. Usually, the comparison is made on the price per calorie, and this is where healthy food items lose to regular foods.

But here is the reality check…

Read this again – “price per calorie”. It means that regular foods have far less calories which imply you aren’t eating healthily. This brings us to the first point.

Regular food is unhealthy

A regular food may be cheaper but consider the following statement. Your body receives few, if any, healthy nutrients from most of it. It may satisfy you for a while but will make you crave more in the long run. You will be tempted to buy something else which also increases the overall expenditure on food.

Compare your foods based on the nutritional value, not just the price. Understand that the healthy food with a high price is really more economical than the cheap food which contains no nutritional value. Think about this when you are shopping.


Is healthy food really more expensive than regular food? Let’s find out


Not all healthy foods are expensive

Yes, some organic foods do come at a higher price, but healthy food does not have to always be organic. Organic foods may be pesticide and/or antibiotic free, but that doesn’t mean their nutritional value is any better than non-organic foods. Some of the inexpensive foods are much healthier.

The list includes beans, peanut butter, whole grains which are usually available in store brands.

Pick the right foods based on the above and your total expenditure will be more reasonable.

Food is not just food but it is your medicine for staying healthy. If you eat healthy you will not need so many over-the-counter medicines/supplements to keep your body running efficiently.


Is healthy food really more expensive than regular food? Let’s find out


Are you a smart buyer? Here is how to become one.

Whenever you are shopping for healthy foods, keep your focus more on the whole foods – lean proteins, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables in place of packaged or processed food. Buy seasonal produce wherever you are living. These are less expensive than the non-seasonal ones.

Make comparisons. It is seen that consumers often do not make comparisons when shopping. A study found that healthy foods like whole grains and whole fruits are not always more expensive than refined grains and snacks. The price may vary from time to time, but they are often found to be economical.

In Conclusion

Now that you know eating healthy food is not as expensive as you assumed it was, try making healthier choices and ditch most of the regular foods. Think health, buy healthier food and stay on top of your health game.
What are your thoughts on it? Please share your views in the comment section below

Scheduling & Planning for the Small Business Owner

As a small business owner, you are in the center of the action. Your days are spent doing both big picture projects as well as day-to-day details. Even though you’re very busy, it’s important that you also focus on creating business plans and schedules to help your business be more successful.

4 Types of Plans or Schedules You Will Need as a Successful Small Business Owner

There are several variations of plans or schedules that you may face that will help make your business successful. Some may be easy to accomplish in one day, while others may take some strategic focus. Here are a few important plans you should consider to help your small business be more successful.

  • Goal-Setting

While this may seem like an obvious category for planning, many small business owners don’t have a clear idea of what goals they really have. After creating your overarching company goals, you will also need to create smaller goals in each category of your business, such as marketing goals, growth, sales, production goals, etc. All of these goals will affect your revenue goals so it’s important to set goals in all areas of your business to help guide you to success.

  • Annual & Quarterly Plans

Every small business owner will start with a business plan. This plan should be revisited on an annual basis. While the focus of the plan will probably stay quite similar, there may be reason to adjust or pivot some of the strategic plans. Because an annual business plans acts as the map to your business, taking the time to review or refocus this plan is a great way to stay the course to success.

From your annual business plan, you should then split it up into quarterly goals and plans. This help drive your focus and makes success even more attainable. In this way, you can also adjust your annual plan if you find your original ideas need some revision.

  • Special Projects

Sometimes, you will discover new opportunities after you’ve made all your great plans. That’s OK! That’s great, actually. Take the time to create plans and schedules for these special projects so that you can take advantage of them without derailing the overall trajectory or success of your company.

  • Daily Schedules

Finally, daily schedules are very important. They are more than just a to-do list. You daily schedule will help keep you focused during your extremely busy day. With so many responsibilities as a small business owner, your daily schedule can be a reliable tool for success. For example, scheduling a block of time for email correspondence can keep you from checking the never-empty inbox throughout the day, which will distract you from other important business.

If you have other employees who are starting this entrepreneurship venture with you, you can co-create their schedule as well so that everyone stays on task and attacks all your important work together, efficiently.

Become a Small Business Owner

If you are looking for a healthy, growing industry to start your own business, contact Naturals2Go.

7 Reasons How Investing in a Vending Business Can Benefit You

Tired of being a corporate slave and planning to have your own business? How about starting a vending machine business?  

A vending machine business is a business that can almost take care of itself. All you need is to check periodically. In this, the vending machine is placed in a set location and is filled with the best products to let passers-by have what they need.   

Further, this business doesn’t require any special degree, just some knowledge and patience, and you are good to earn! 

Still pondering upon the idea? Have a look at these seven reasons to help you make a firm decision about investing in this type of business:  

Its A Source of Passive Income:  

Once you have your machine installed at the right location, get set to have profits. The vending machine requires minimum attention, which means no matter whether you are studying, working full time, or on a vacation, you will be earning profits.  Simply choose your site and the products that you want in your machine, and see the cash start flowing.  

No Outstanding Accounts, No Checks:  

Worried about keeping your business accounts maintained and current? Don’t worry! You will not need to do this in a vending machine business.  In this business, there are no bad checks, no outstanding money from vendors, no written accounts, only good rates and profits. Many of your payments come in cash, the rest are electronically deposited right into your bank account. 

No Extra Costs:  

While there would be some overhead costs, you can easily eliminate it on your own. Also, you don’t have to hire employees; instead you can run your business by yourself. There are no payrolls, which mean all the profit will be in your pockets. Further, your stocked machine will attract customers on its own, so there will not be any advertising, leasing, renting costs.  

Around The Clock Business:  

Since this business doesn’t require any office space or employees, you can generate sales around the clock.   These machines are always working, which means you can make sales 24/7. Exciting!  Not many retail businesses offer such ease and profit without even working hard.  

You Can Sell Anything:  

From hairdressing tools to apples to cola to water and candies, you can sell almost anything. If you are passionate about the vending machine business and you have set the machine in a profitable location, you can earn a hefty amount.  

You Are Your Own Boss:  

When you are in a vending machine business, you can set your own working rules, schedule and everything. Unlike other businesses where being a boss means having regular visits to the office this business needs nothing. You can go on a long vacation with your vending machine running successfully behind you or can even party at-home with the machine being unattended for a few days.  

It Is Easy To Start The Business:  

Although it is an investment and you would need some training, you would be free from hiring and having a typical office space struggles. Also, you can run this business as a sole investor with all tax benefits saving you even more money. 

Finding success in a vending machine business only requires a couple things: a high-traffic location and reliable restocking. If you are up with these things, you will make huge profits!   

Are you Prepared to Be Your Own Boss?

It’s a dream of many to be their own boss. While there’s a lot of attractive perks to being in charge, with that comes a great amount of responsibility. There’s much more to being your own boss than the freedom to create your own work hours.

Ask Yourself These 4 Questions to Determine if You are Prepared to Be Your Own Boss

Before you take the risk and go out on your own, ask yourself some these key questions.

How committed are you?

Being your own boss is a risk you take when you’re in it for the long haul – not just a week of setting your own hours. You need to be ready to take responsibility for the hard times, just as you will be there to celebrate your achievements as a small business owner. A good entrepreneur is committed to their business, no matter if the day is good or bad.

If you are committed to your business, you will be successful even when times get tough.

Are you disciplined?

A successful small business owner is disciplined. They are good at setting goals and deadlines, creating plans, and sticking to their strategy. Their discipline doesn’t have to come from someone else, and that’s why they will be successful without a boss.

To be your own boss, you need to be organized and disciplined so that you steer your company towards success.

Can your finances support you through hard times?

You can have all the dreams and passions in the world, but most businesses are not profitable right away, and you need to be able to make money.

There are a few different options to meet this need, such as a small business loan or seeking funding through investors. If those aren’t working out, don’t worry. You can consider getting a part-time job and using more of your spouse’s income to help provide a cushion for your family during the early or tough phases.

Whatever you decide, you must be realistic about your financial situation so that your business, and yourself, can be successful.

What’s your experience level?

Before you leave your current job to be your own boss as a small business owner, make sure you consider your knowledge and experience level. You must be an expert in your product or service, in addition to being competent and running a business.

Look to experts in your field, or leadership mentors to guide you and prepare you for your venture. They can help you get ready to be successful when you break out on your own.

Learn About How to Run a Successful Business as Your Own Boss

If you feel ready to be your own boss, or want to explore business ideas, contact Naturals2Go.

5 Locations You May Not Have Thought of For Healthy Vending Machine Placement


The success of your healthy vending machine business is partially determined by how good your locations are. Healthy vending is a growing business and an attractive entry point for small business owners and choosing the right location is key for a sustainable business..

How to Choose the Right Location

Here are a few quick points to consider when choosing the locations for your healthy vending machine.

  • What type of foot traffic will it get? Are there peak times, or a constant flow of people?
  • What types of people are walking by your machine? Are these people the type who would want to eat a healthy snack?
  • Are the people passing your machine in a rush? Are they coming from, or going to, a certain activity that fits within your healthy business idea?

Once you consider these questions, which are just a handful of many, to determine your healthy vending machine locations, it’s time to start brainstorming where to place your machines.

5 Unique Locations for Successful Healthy Vending Machines

When you consider some of the points from the brainstorm above, you may find that a few of these location ideas will be a great match for your business.

School Campuses

One of the most successful locations, yet often overlooked by new business owners, is a school campus. Any school, from elementary to college, can benefit from a healthy vending machine. Public school systems (K-12) may also receive some government benefits for having healthy snacking options for their students, so this could be a huge selling point. And college campuses have a high volume of foot traffic and hungry people. While more digging would be required for these locations, any healthy vending business owner should consider academic options in their business plans.

Community Centers

Similar to the idea of school campuses, community centers serve a great population for healthy snacking. From sporting events and tournaments to after-school programs, they have a great variety of people who would enjoy a healthy treat. They also may be able to qualify for some government assistance for the machine which can help you make a sale.

Commercial Fitness Centers

Fitness centers and sporting facilities with high memberships are a sure fit for a healthy vending machine. With hundreds of people trying to live a healthy lifestyle, it’s a sure fit to also choose a healthy snack before or after their workout. It’s also a marketing or selling point for the gym owners, so they might be very eager to get your machine up and running.

Professional Offices

Professional office buildings are another smart fit for a healthy vending machine location. Lots of workers have an urge to snack, and with more and more people trying to switch to make healthier habits, your machines could not only keep working professionals happy, but also healthier. Plus, healthier workers have greater productivity! It’s a great relationship that make an office location a huge success for your business.

Family Entertainment Attractions

Family attractions like museums, zoos, aquariums, or theaters are another group to research for your business. Parents are always trying to make better choices for their kids and nothing kills this progress like going to the science center, only to give your kids fried foods. Having healthy vending machine snacks like kids protein bars or bottled smoothies helps both parents and kids stay on track with their nutrition.

Get Your Healthy Business Started Today

Are you looking to get a promising healthy business off the ground? Contact Naturals2Go for more information on how to make this dream a reality.


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