
Healthy Eating Series: Post-Workout Snacks

You’ve just crushed a rigorous workout, and your body cries out for nourishment. What you eat after exercise is pivotal in your recovery and overall fitness progress. The right post-workout snacks can help replenish your energy, repair muscle tissue, and keep your metabolism firing. In this installment of our Healthy Eating Series, we’ll explore some fantastic ideas for post-workout snacks that will leave you feeling energized and satisfied. 

Greek Yogurt Parfait

Greek yogurt is a fantastic source of protein, and it’s rich in probiotics that support digestive health. Create a post-workout parfait by layering Greek yogurt with fresh berries, a drizzle of honey, and a sprinkle of granola. The protein aids in muscle repair, while the carbohydrates from the berries and granola help replenish glycogen stores depleted during exercise. 

Hummus and Whole Wheat Pita

Hummus is not only a delicious dip but also a great source of plant-based protein and healthy fats. Pair it with whole wheat pita for a balanced post-workout snack. The combination provides protein for muscle recovery and complex carbohydrates to refuel your body. Plus, hummus is packed with fiber, keeping you full and satisfied. 

Banana and Almond Butter

Bananas are a quick and convenient option for refueling post-workout. They’re rich in potassium, which helps prevent muscle cramps, and they provide easily digestible carbohydrates. Spread some almond butter on banana slices for added protein and healthy fats. This combination is not only tasty but also ideal for muscle repair and replenishing energy levels. 

Protein Smoothie

A protein smoothie is a versatile option tailored to your preferences. Blend a scoop of your favorite protein powder, a handful of spinach, a banana, some frozen berries, and a splash of almond milk. Protein powder is a quick way to provide essential amino acids for muscle repair, while fruits and veggies add crucial nutrients and antioxidants. 

Avocado Toast

Avocado toast is a trendy and nutritious post-workout snack. Spread ripe avocado on whole-grain toast and sprinkle it with a pinch of salt, pepper, and a dash of red pepper flakes. The healthy fats in avocado support overall health, and the carbohydrates from the toast help with glycogen replenishment. Plus, it’s a delicious option to customize with additional toppings like sliced tomatoes or a poached egg for extra protein. 

Try These Post-Workout Snacks

Choosing the right post-workout snacks is crucial to your fitness journey. The next time you finish a workout, give your body the nourishment it deserves with these wholesome and delicious ideas!  

Take Your Passion for Healthy Living to the Next Level

How to Work From Home with a Vending Business

Is remote work disappearing? The verdict is still out, but one thing is for sure: you can still enjoy the comforts and freedom of remote work by launching your healthy vending business! Keep reading to explore how to work from home with a vending business and learn why it’s a smart choice for the entrepreneurial spirit. 

The Rise of Remote Work

Remote work has been on the rise for several years, with more companies and organizations recognizing its potential. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work was gaining popularity, and now, it’s a lifestyle that many entrepreneurs are embracing. 


Working remotely with a vending business offers a wide array of benefits. First, you can say goodbye to the daily grind of commuting, unproductive meetings, and office politics. You can focus on what truly matters and get more done. This also means you get to spend more time with your loved ones. For parents of young children, pet owners, or caregivers, remote work is a game-changer. You can be present for your family while building a thriving business. 

Healthy Vending with Naturals2Go

One fantastic opportunity for remote work lies in the world of healthy vending. Naturals2Go, a reputable healthy vending machine franchise company, offers a unique chance to kickstart your remote entrepreneurial journey. 


With Naturals2Go, you can enjoy a perfect blend of hands-on and hands-off entrepreneurship. In the beginning, you’ll be hands-on, focusing on tasks like machine placement and stocking. Once these initial phases are complete, you can transition to more hands-off activities, which can be efficiently managed from the comfort of your home. 

The Power of Remote Monitoring Technology

One of the key advantages of a Naturals2Go vending business is the advanced remote monitoring technology. Every vending machine is equipped with this technology, allowing you to: 


        • Track Sales: Access real-time data on which products are selling well and adjust your inventory accordingly. 
        • Manage Cash Flow: Keep an eye on the cash inside your machines and ensure smooth financial operations. 
        • Receive Alerts: Get immediate notifications about equipment issues or any other relevant updates. 

Start Your Remote Vending Business Today

The time has never been better to embark on a remote entrepreneurial journey with a healthy vending business. With Naturals2Go, you can achieve a satisfying work-life balance, be there for your family, and operate a successful business from the comfort of your home. 


Don’t miss out on this opportunity. If you’re looking for a flexible, rewarding, and remote work option, healthy vending with Naturals2Go might be the perfect choice for you. Contact us today to learn more and start your journey toward remote entrepreneurial success. 

Learn More About a Naturals2Go Business

Naturals2Go: Empowering Veterans to Thrive as Entrepreneurs

Dallas Ketchum Shares His Success Story with Launching His Naturals2Go’s Healthy Vending Business



For many veterans, transitioning from military service to civilian life can be a challenging endeavor, especially when it comes to finding a rewarding and fulfilling career. However, Naturals2Go, a leading healthy vending business, offers an enticing solution that resonates with veterans looking for entrepreneurial opportunities. In this exclusive interview, we sit down with Dallas Ketchum, a seasoned military veteran turned successful owner-operator, who shares his inspiring journey with Naturals2Go and how it has provided him with the freedom, flexibility, and support he was seeking. 

A Journey of Service and Career Evolution

Dallas Ketchum, a former United States Army serviceman, served his country for nearly 27 years. Initially starting in the combat arms field and driving M1 Abrams tanks during the Gulf War, Dallas later transitioned to the medical field, becoming a medical laboratory specialist. His determination and hard work led to a commission as a transportation logistics officer before eventually retiring in 2015. 


Following his retirement, Dallas explored various career paths, including teaching logistics at the Army Logistics University and working in corporate America as a regional manager for a major food company. He also held positions in federal government agencies such as the Department of Army and the federal emergency management agency (FEMA). Dallas’s foray into entrepreneurship began with starting a small logistics company, which sparked his desire for further opportunities. 

Discovering Naturals2Go: A Perfect Fit

Dallas stumbled upon Naturals2Go while attending a franchise conference in San Antonio. What set Naturals2Go apart from other franchises was the genuine commitment and enthusiasm displayed by their team. Dallas was impressed by their availability, willingness to answer questions, and their eagerness to share information about the brand. Engaging with Naturals2Go gave him a sense of confidence and assurance. 


The Naturals2Go business model perfectly aligned with Dallas’s aspirations. It provided him with the flexibility to manage his time and work remotely while still generating revenue. The idea of working on his own terms and determining his success based on the effort he put in resonated deeply with Dallas. The allure of having the freedom to travel with his family further solidified Naturals2Go as the ideal choice for him. 

A Training Experience that Exceeded Expectations

When it came to training, Naturals2Go left no stone unturned. Dallas, known for his detailed-oriented approach, was thoroughly impressed by the meticulous planning, seamless execution, and exceptional communication throughout the training process. The training venue itself was well laid out, with an abundance of staff available to address any questions or concerns. As a logistics expert, Dallas greatly appreciated the comprehensive plan and the sense of support provided by Naturals2Go. 


By the time Dallas completed the training, he felt well-prepared and equipped to take on the vending business. The fact that the training involved not just salespeople, but actual operators and seasoned professionals from Naturals2Go further instilled him with confidence. Dallas knew he had a team of experts in his corner, ready to guide him every step of the way. 

Scaling Towards Success

As Dallas embarks on his journey as a Naturals2Go healthy vending operator, he has set ambitious goals for himself. To ensure a solid foundation, he plans to start with five machines initially. This approach will allow him to fully understand the business model, learn the intricacies of operating the machines, and fine-tune his strategies. Once he has familiarized himself with the process, Dallas plans to rapidly scale his operation, adding an additional five machines every three to four months. His goal to reach a total of 20 machines within a year to 14 months. 

A Supportive Network

One of the key aspects that impressed Dallas about Naturals2Go was the support system provided by the company. The genuine care and dedication of the Naturals2Go team made him feel confident and assured of their commitment to his success. Regular communication with his account manager and the availability of experienced professionals within the organization give Dallas the peace of mind that he can seek assistance whenever needed. Having a supportive team behind him encourages Dallas to face any challenges head-on with the knowledge that he has experts to rely on. 

A Family Affair

As Dallas’s vending business grows, he plans to involve his family in the venture. His wife will join him as they expand, and they view this opportunity as a way for their two teenage daughters to be introduced to business and take on responsibilities within the operation. Naturals2Go’s simple and straightforward business model makes it an ideal family endeavor, providing an opportunity for his daughters to learn about managing inventory, product selection, and pricing. 

Are You Ready to Start Your Business Ownership Journey?

Dallas Ketchum’s inspiring journey with Naturals2Go highlights the enormous potential the healthy vending business offers to veterans seeking a fulfilling and rewarding career as entrepreneurs. With its flexible business model, comprehensive training, and unwavering support, Naturals2Go empowers individuals like Dallas to embark on a successful entrepreneurial path. As Dallas scales his vending business, it is evident that the combination of entrepreneurial freedom, family involvement, and a supportive network makes Naturals2Go an exceptional and compelling choice for aspiring business owners. 


If you’re ready to explore the opportunities that Naturals2Go offers, talk to one of our business consultants today 




Find Your Why With Naturals2Go: Changing Careers

Ready for a career change? You’re not alone. Many people hit a point in their careers where they’re ready to do something different. This is another reason why embarking on an entrepreneurial journey with Naturals2Go is such a good fit – it provides the perfect opportunity to change your career and tackle an exciting new challenge. 

The Desire for Career Change

“I’ve been selling security systems for the business for about 30 years… I’m ready for something else.” 

Many individuals reach a point in their professional lives where they yearn for something different. They seek autonomy, the freedom to make their own decisions, and the opportunity to work towards their own goals, rather than someone else’s. Naturals2Go provides the perfect platform for individuals looking to change careers and find their “why.” 

Regain Control Over Your Career 

“The dream of every accountant is to stop being an accountant, so this is one step along that line.” 

One of the most compelling reasons to consider Naturals2Go is the chance to regain control over your career. As a Naturals2Go Owner-Operator, you become your boss, responsible for the decisions that shape your business. No longer will you have to answer to someone else’s directives or adhere to a rigid corporate structure. This autonomy allows you to pursue your career on your terms, with your unique vision guiding the way. 

Pursue Your Passions

“I’m a nurse and I’m a little tired of the medical community, so I’m trying to build something different.” 

Working for someone else often means compromising your passions and interests for the sake of a paycheck. Naturals2Go offers a pathway to align your career with your passions. Whether you have a love for healthy living, entrepreneurship, or vending, our franchise opportunity allows you to combine your interests into a fulfilling career. You can be the driving force behind a business that resonates with your personal values and goals. 

Time to Make a Change

If you’ve been contemplating a career change, longing for autonomy, and are eager to pursue your passions, Naturals2Go offers an enticing opportunity. Join the ranks of Owner-Operators who have taken control of their careers, transformed their lives, and discovered their “why” with Naturals2Go. Contact us today to learn more and get started!


Listen to stories from our newest Naturals2Go Owner Operators about their ‘why’

Is Remote Work Coming to an End?

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly transformed how we approach work, with remote employment becoming the norm in many industries. This shift offered employees newfound flexibility, reduced commutes, and the ability to customize their work environments. However, as we transition into a post-pandemic world, some companies are beginning to rethink their remote work policies, raising the question: Is remote work on the decline? Let’s explore this evolving trend and uncover opportunities for those who wish to continue their remote work lifestyle. 

The Shift Away from Remote Work

Remote work, initially necessitated by the pandemic, is being reassessed by many organizations. Several factors contribute to this shift in perspective. Some employers argue that in-person collaboration fosters creativity and innovation, missing the spontaneous office interactions that often lead to breakthroughs. Concerns about employee burnout and isolation due to prolonged remote work have also emerged.  


Employers are looking for ways to address these challenges by reintroducing office culture and support systems. Security considerations have led certain organizations to bring employees back to the office, aiming to safeguard sensitive data and maintain control over their networks. Additionally, nurturing company culture is perceived as more challenging in a remote work setting, leading companies to explore ways to rebuild it through in-person interactions. 

Advice for Remote Enthusiasts

For those who prefer remote work, there are various strategies and opportunities to consider as remote work continues to evolve. Negotiating hybrid work arrangements with employers can offer a balance between in-office and remote work, catering to individual preferences. Embracing the gig economy by freelancing or starting an entrepreneurial venture allows for the flexibility to work from anywhere while pursuing personal passions and goals. Seek employment with companies that prioritize remote work, particularly in the tech startup and forward-thinking sectors.  

So, is Remote Work Ending?

While some employers are reevaluating their stance on remote work, it is not universally diminishing. Many organizations continue to value remote work and adapt their policies accordingly. The key to navigating this evolving landscape is to remain flexible, open to change, and proactive in seeking opportunities that align with your work preferences. 

Not Ready to Return to the Office?

Explore an entrepreneurial opportunity with Naturals2Go! As an owner-operator, you’ll work when and where you want while enjoying complete control over your business. Learn more about the exciting world of healthy vending and get started on your journey – contact Naturals2Go today. 

A Business Opportunity That Benefits The Entire Family

What Are Micro Workouts?

Finding time for lengthy gym sessions or extensive exercise routines can often seem impossible. Work, family, and daily life demands can leave little room for traditional workouts. But what if there was a solution that allowed you to stay active, no matter how busy your schedule? Enter “micro workouts” – a fitness trend that’s changing the game when it comes to staying healthy and active. 

Defining Micro Workouts

Micro workouts are short, focused bursts of exercise that can be seamlessly integrated into your daily routine. These bite-sized fitness sessions typically last anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes and target specific muscle groups or fitness goals. Unlike traditional workouts, which require dedicated time at the gym or a set schedule, micro workouts can be done virtually anywhere, anytime. 

How Micro Workouts Support a Healthy Lifestyle

        • Efficiency: One of the most significant advantages of micro workouts is their time efficiency. Finding a minute or two for a quick exercise break is manageable whether you have a busy workday or a jam-packed household schedule. Instead of waiting for a specific time to hit the gym, you can sprinkle micro workouts throughout your day. 
        • Consistency: Micro workouts emphasize consistency over intensity. By incorporating short bursts of exercise into your daily routine, you establish a habit of staying active regularly. Over time, these mini-sessions add up, contributing to improved fitness and overall health. 
        • Accessibility: You don’t need fancy equipment or a gym membership to engage in micro workouts. Many exercises can be performed using your body weight or simple props like resistance bands. This accessibility makes it easier for everyone to participate, regardless of their fitness level or budget. 
        • Increased Metabolism: Micro workouts can help rev up your metabolism. Even short bouts of activity can elevate your heart rate, burn calories, and stimulate muscle growth. This can be particularly beneficial for those looking to shed some extra pounds or maintain a healthy weight. 
        • Enhanced Mood and Energy: Micro workouts release endorphins, the body’s natural mood boosters. Engaging in quick bursts of exercise can leave you feeling more energized, focused, and positive. It’s an excellent remedy for combating mid-day slumps and boosting productivity. 

Getting Started with Micro Workouts

To incorporate micro workouts into your daily routine, start with simple exercises like squats, push-ups, planks, or jumping jacks. Set realistic goals for the number of micro workouts you want to complete each day or week, gradually increasing the duration and intensity as you become more comfortable. 


Remember that consistency is key to reaping the benefits of micro workouts. Whether it’s a few squats while waiting for your coffee to brew or a quick plank during a work break, these short bursts of activity can lead to improved health and fitness when practiced regularly. 

Take Your Passion for Healthy Living to the Next Level

Going Global – Naturals2Go’s Natali Pupovac-Peters Featured in Franchise Dictionary Magazine

Natali Pupovac-Peters, the newly appointed head of global operations at Naturals2Go, the largest healthy vending company in the U.S., was recently featured in Franchise Dictionary Magazine.


Natali talks about her role in helping Naturals2Go expand globally and the next step to Canadian expansion. She also highlights the recent growth in the Owner Operator support team at Naturals2Go:


“One of the biggest parts I’ve focused on is the coaching team,” she said. “We’ve done a huge rehaul and hired full-time account managers who stick with the owner-operators from day one, until they place all their machines and are running the business quite seamlessly.”


Read the full article below or at Franchise Dictionary Magazine.


Find Your Why With Naturals2Go: Regaining Career Autonomy

“For 18 years I had to answer to someone else. It’s time to make my own decisions!” 

“Like most people, I’m tired of working for someone and taking orders. I’m excited to work for myself.” 

“Everyone wants to do something for themselves. If you’re not… you’re just someone else’s passive income.” 


These are quotes from real Naturals2Go Owner-Operators who have used our program to regain career autonomy. It’s one of the best reasons to consider an entrepreneurial opportunity with us – especially if you’re tired of working for someone else.  


Regain career autonomy with Naturals2Go and: 

Take Control of Your Schedule

Imagine waking up in the morning and not having to punch a time clock or adhere to a rigid 9-to-5 schedule. With Naturals2Go, you can finally take control of your daily agenda. As an owner-operator, you have the flexibility to set your own working hours. Whether you’re a night owl or an early bird, you get to decide when and how you run your business. No more asking for time off or missing important moments with your family – it’s all in your hands. 

Take Control of Your Money

Tired of working for a fixed paycheck that barely covers your expenses? Naturals2Go offers you the opportunity to break free from financial constraints. As an owner-operator, you are in control of your earnings. Your hard work directly contributes to your income, and there’s no cap on your potential. Say goodbye to salary negotiations and hello to unlimited financial growth. With Naturals2Go, you can build a business that not only supports your lifestyle but also secures your financial future. 

Take Control of Your Career

Naturals2Go empowers you to take charge of your professional journey; you become the captain of your own ship. You make strategic decisions, set goals, and watch your business thrive under your guidance. Scale your business as you please – and gain the ability to easily exit when you want. The satisfaction of building something meaningful and impactful is unmatched. Naturals2Go offers you the chance to redefine your career on your terms, turning your passion into a successful venture. 

Ready to Learn More?

Naturals2Go not only offers a profitable business opportunity but also a chance to reclaim your autonomy in every aspect of your life. With the freedom to manage your schedule, control your finances, and shape your career, you can finally live life on your own terms. Don’t let the burden of working for someone else hold you back any longer – join Naturals2Go and find your why in the world of entrepreneurship. Contact our team today to learn more and get started. 


Listen to stories from our newest Naturals2Go Owner Operators about their ‘why’

Find Your Why With Naturals2Go: Plan for Retirement

As the journey of life unfolds, one constant remains: the need to plan for a secure and comfortable retirement. Among the myriad reasons to start a business with Naturals2Go, envisioning your retirement stands as a powerful motivation. Let’s explore how this unique opportunity aligns with your retirement goals and can pave the way for financial independence in your golden years. 


Investing in Your Future

Retirement planning is not just about accumulating funds; it’s about ensuring a lifestyle that reflects your aspirations. By venturing into entrepreneurship with Naturals2Go, you’re investing in a future that’s tailored to your needs and desires rather than relying solely on traditional retirement savings. 

Strategic Wealth Creation

Naturals2Go offers a proven business model with low upfront investment and high earning potential. This strategic approach allows you to create wealth beyond your working years, providing a steady income stream during retirement. 

Building a Legacy

Naturals2Go isn’t just a business; it’s an asset that can be passed down through generations. By nurturing your vending venture, you’re creating a legacy that benefits you during retirement and provides for your family’s future. 

Leveraging Semi-Absentee Ownership

As retirement nears, the desire for more leisure time grows. Naturals2Go’s semi-absentee ownership model allows you to enjoy the fruits of your labor while maintaining the business with a hands-on or hands-off approach – whichever suits your retirement lifestyle. 

Achieving Financial Independence

Retirement should be a time of financial freedom, not worry. By diversifying your income streams through Naturals2Go, you’re taking a proactive step towards financial independence, freeing you from the constraints of solely relying on pension plans or social security. 

Get Started With Naturals2Go

Planning for retirement is a journey that requires foresight and strategic decisions. Naturals2Go offers a pathway to retirement that’s defined by choice, flexibility, and financial stability. Whether you’re just beginning your career or approaching retirement, we present a unique avenue to plan for the retirement you deserve. Contact us to learn more!


Listen to stories from our newest Naturals2Go Owner Operators about their ‘why’