
Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Fight Breast Cancer With Good Nutrition

1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime
Can what you eat prevent breast cancer? October is breast cancer awareness month. The National Breast Cancer Foundation created the annual campaign to raise awareness of this devastating disease. All month it encourages individuals to host or engage in fundraising events, share educational content, and focus on early detection, education, and support. One of the ways women can reduce their risk is through eating healthy throughout their lifetimes.

Diet and Breast Cancer Risk

Diet is partly responsible for between 30 and 40 percent of cancers, according to The research isn’t more specific, because many women with breast cancer have more than one risk factor, so it can be hard to isolate one cause from the rest. However, there’s a clear link between a diet that is low fat and high in vegetables and fiber and reduced breast cancer risk.
Healthy foods help maintain a healthy weight. Overweight women have an increased risk of breast cancer. Fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods promote weight loss because they contain high amounts of fiber and nutrition and relatively low calorie counts. Women who gained weight after a diagnosis of breast cancer also had a higher risk of recurrence.
A low-fat diet reduces risk. One study found that when women only got 25 percent of their daily calories from fat, they were less likely to get breast cancer. A low-fat diet often means high consumption of nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, grains, and veggies.
Research supports eating a variety of healthy foods. Supplements help, but it’s best to get your nutrients from a wide range of fruits, vegetables, and grains.
Researchers continue to study the link between breast cancer and healthy eating, but here’s what dieticians say helps reduce your risk.

  • Keep your body mass index in a healthy range.
  • Eat more than five cups of fruits and vegetables every day.
  • Limit saturated fat to under 10 percent of your calories and total fat to under 30 grams each day.
  • Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as fish, beans, and nuts.
  • Avoid packaged foods and trans fats.

Foods that Fight Cancer

The MD Anderson Center recommends making vegetables, beans, and whole grains a major part of every meal. Build your grocery list around foods that reduce your risk and make healthy eating a regular part of your lifestyle. Try some of these cancer-fighting superfoods.
Broccoli – This green veggie contains sulforaphane, a powerful compound that flushes cancer-causing chemicals from your body and raises its level of protective enzymes. Kale, cabbage, and cauliflower also contain sulforaphane, but broccoli has the most.
Berries – All berries contain phytochemicals called anthocyanins. They keep premalignant cancer cells from growing to fight off cancer. The Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology compared dried and frozen berries with fresh ones and found there was no significant difference in their cancer-fighting nutrients. When you’re on the go, eat dried fruit for a nutritional power punch.
Tomatoes – Lycopene makes tomatoes red. It also stops the growth of cancer cells. Cooked tomatoes offer the biggest benefit, since turning tomatoes into sauce concentrates the amount of lycopene per ounce. Sip tomato juice for a tasty way to reduce your cancer risk.
Walnuts – Two handfuls of walnuts a day might lower your risk of breast cancer. If you have breast cancer, walnuts can slow the growth of tumors. Phytosterols in nuts block estrogen receptors in cancer cells. Almonds and peanuts contain the same cancer fighting compounds.
Garlic – Several studies show a link between increased garlic consumption and reduced cancer risk. The phytochemical allicin that gives garlic its strong odor also strengthens the immune system and helps the body kill abnormal cancer cells. One study indicated women taking tamoxifen to fight breast cancer reduced their risk of liver injury by consuming more allicin.
Beans – Black beans and navy beans cause your body to produce the fatty acid butyrate. In high concentrations, butyrate fights cancer growth. Fight breast and colon cancer by eating beans at least three times a week.

Quick Cancer-Fighting Snacks

Munch on cancer-fighting foods throughout the day with these quick strategies.

  • Once a week, stuff snack-sized zipper baggies with raw broccoli, berries, and cherry tomatoes. Put them where it’s easy to grab and go.
  • Stock up on 100 percent vegetable juice and keep it chilled for a delicious treat.
  • Keep reduced-fat cheese sticks on hand.
  • All natural granola bars help you get in an extra serving of whole grains, nuts, and dried fruit.
  • Bean chips are high in fiber and protein and low in sodium. Fight cancer with chips.
  • Packaged nuts don’t have to be refrigerated, and they won’t get squashed sitting in your purse or car. Keep them on hand for emergency snacking.

Healthy Vending Machines?

Sometimes no matter how carefully you plan, it’s hard to find healthy food choices. Naturals2Go makes eating right easy by providing vending machines stocked with healthy options. If you want to make good choices easy and make money doing it, consider putting in a Naturals2Go vending machine.
Naturals2Go is ready to partner with you to offer healthy eating in your area. Contact us today to learn more about starting your own vending business or getting one of our healthy vending machines in your location.

National Childhood Obesity Month: How to Get Kids to Eat More Fruits and Veggies

American Heart Association Childhood Obesity Infographic
src.: American Heart Association Childhood Obesity Infographic

It’s back to school time, and kids seem as though they’re hungrier than ever! They want lunches packed to the brim with tasty fare and food on tap from the minute they get home. You want to keep them filled up with good things, but some eaters can be picky. How can you get them to eat more fruits and veggies? Here’s why it matters and a few ways to do it.

How Important Is It?

The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion recommends children between the ages of 2 and 6 eat three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit. For older children and teens, they recommend four or five servings of veggies and three servings of fruit daily.
That seems like a lot, but there are several benefits to getting the full amount. Here are the most compelling.

  • Better nutrition – Fruits and vegetables provide vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients not found in other foods. Vitamin C boosts immunity, vitamin A improves eye health, and spinach provides iron.
  • Lower risk of obesity – As the obesity epidemic is on the rise, nutrition in the early years becomes even more important. Fruits and vegetables are full of fiber, which makes kids feel full longer. They also contain fewer calories for their bulk.
  • Better digestive health – High-fiber foods relieve constipation and help the digestive system work efficiently.
  • Better academic performance – The Journal of School Health found kids with healthy diets did better on tests than other children did. Good nutrition helps kids learn.

Pack Healthy School Lunches

If you’re going to get in all those servings of fruits and vegetables, some of them will have to be in their school lunches Packing lunch is a tricky thing. What kids eat doesn’t just depend on their tastes and your budget. What their peers think often impacts what they choose to eat.
Just because they eat celery sticks at home doesn’t mean they’ll do it when the cool kids see it and shake their heads. The good news is that eating healthy is experiencing a surge of popularity, even at the elementary level.
Kids love packaged chips and sugary snacks, but they also recognize healthy food takes time to prepare, and time is a luxury many family don’t have. Students admit to being impressed when classmates bring healthy food that is creatively prepared. Here’s how to pack fruits and vegetables your kids will actually eat.

  1. Start with a cool container. A bento box or other container with sections keeps food separate. Pineapple chunks don’t make bread or pretzels soggy and fruit juice doesn’t get on things it shouldn’t. Boxes with sections let you pack them full of colorful choices, so when your child pops the lid it seems to overflow with goodness.
  2. Fill each section with variety. Put a handful of blueberries in one section and cherry tomatoes in another. Cut their sandwich into shapes with cookie cutters for a touch of playfulness.
  3. Encourage playing with their food. Most the things you pack will be finger foods. Encourage interaction when you prepare them. Put grapes in a snack sized zipper bag and use a wooden clothespin to pinch the bag into two sections. Decorate the clothespin so the whole thing looks like a butterfly. Cut an apple into eighths and use a stick pretzel mast to turn them into boats.
  4. Turn up the crunch. Kids love noise. You emphasize table manners at home, but in the cafeteria, they’re going to be silly. Use that to your advantage by challenging them to see which veggie crunches the loudest. Then send carrots, celery with light ranch, or apple wedges. Before long, their friends will want in on the crunch contest too.
  5. Create colorful skewers. Don’t limit yourself to a sandwich for the main entrée. Use toothpicks to create colorful kebabs with sliced meat, cheese, cherry tomatoes, grapes, and bell peppers. Pack them on top of a lettuce leaf so the colors really pop.
  6. Put it in a thermos. Send 100 percent fruit and vegetable juices in an insulated bottle. When the weather cools, use your slow cooker to turn protein and veggies into a savory stew that feels like a hug from home.

Healthy Snacks for All

You prioritize healthy eating, but not all kids have that option. Most schools have vending machines kids can access for extra food. Talk to your school about packing them full of healthy choices. Here are some options that work in vending machines.

  • Black bean or lentil chips
  • Packaged apple wedges with peanut butter
  • All-natural fruit strips
  • Almonds
  • Dried bananas
  • All-natural granola bars

Naturals2Go provides vending machines packed full of healthy options. If your school doesn’t offer good snack choices, consider putting one in. Naturals2Go gives kids some healthy food and puts money in your pocket.
Our best-in-class vending machine equipment and high-quality support make it easy to make a difference and earn supplemental income. Contact us today to learn more about starting your own business.

Women Entrepreneurs: History of Women in Business

Rosie the Riveter - We can do it.
The modern workplace would not be the same without its powerful female entrepreneurs. Throughout history, women have made their mark on the working world with ingenious innovations, out-of-the-box business ventures, and unprecedented success. At Naturals2Go, we’ve compiled this brief history of female entrepreneurs to inspire you to join their ranks – with a little help from our healthy workplace vending machines, of course!
The Early Days of Women in the Workforce
In the beginning of the 20th century, feminism finally began to make real changes in the female working climate. Prior to this time, women owned businesses only if they were in dire straits – those without husbands who did not want to become social burdens. These businesses mostly included brothels, taverns, and alehouses. At the turn of the century, progressive ideals gave rise to a social sphere that was much more conducive for female business owners.
In the early 1900s, female entrepreneurs such as Madam C.J. Walker, Coco Chanel, Olive Ann Beech, and Ma Perkins got their start. These powerful women established their own brands and fought tooth and nail for success in the face of discrimination, unfair wages, and stigmas plaguing female business owners. To this day, these brands survive to tell the legacy of some of America’s earliest femmepreneurs.
Working Women During World War II
 WW2 - Women working in Bomber manufacturingWorld War II wasn’t the very beginning of female entrepreneurship – women have been inventing things and creating their own businesses for centuries. However, it does mark a time when women entered the American workforce in unprecedented numbers. From 1940 to 1945, the percentage of working women rose by almost 10% due to male military enlistment leaving gaps in the workforce. Women took up a variety of positions, from sewing clothes to repairing planes.
Female entrepreneurs boomed during this period, generating income from a wide range of home-based businesses. After the war ended, many continued their trades, earning independent incomes. One of the most noteworthy from the early days of femmepreneurship is Elizabeth Arden, the woman who singlehandedly established the American beauty industry in 1910. Her empire boomed after the war, with Red Door salons opening in fashion capitals around the world. Today, the Elizabeth Arden franchise is still a mainstay in terms of quality and craftsmanship.
Female Empowerment in the U.S.
In the 1960s and ’70s, women saw great changes in their political and social landscapes. Divorce rates escalated, leading to an increase in working single mothers. Many women saw entrepreneurship as the ideal solution. The American feminist movement finally broke down barriers for women in the workplace, leaving behind the idea that women had to be homemakers for society to accept them. Women earned legal rights and began branching out from typical jobs such as secretaries, teachers, and nurses to explore the larger business sphere.
As women began seeking professional fulfillment outside the home, they started some of the most successful companies to date. Mary Kay Ash is one of the most successful entrepreneurs of this age. She went door to door selling books during World War II. She and her husband divorced when he returned from the war in 1945. In 1963, Mary Kay Ash retired from Stanley Home Products and wrote her own business plan. That summer, she founded Beauty by Mary Kay (now known as Mary Kay Cosmetics, Inc.) with help from her sons – a business that took the beauty industry by storm.
Businesswomen Finally Take Center Stage
female entreprenuers ramp up
From 1980 to 2000, hundreds of women earned recognition as some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs. From Madonna gracing the cover of Forbes magazine as “America’s Smartest Business Woman” to Martha Stewart and Oprah establishing their empires, businesswomen were finally in the spotlight. The world was beginning to recognize the incomparable power of women who were determined to do big things.
In 1988, Congress passed the Women’s Business Ownership Act. This eliminated outdated laws that required a husband’s signature on business documents and bank lending discrimination. It also enabled female entrepreneurs to apply for government contracts. The act assisted in the success of female entrepreneurs, providing policies and programs to support their business endeavors. It marked the start of workplace equality among American men and women.
The Modern Female Entrepreneur
Taylor Swift by David Shankbone
The 21st century has seen an upsurge in women entrepreneurs, but it isn’t always a bed of roses. Female business owners still face wage and gender discrimination and fewer opportunities than their male counterparts do. Still, women are making major impacts in media, business, politics, and more. From Beth Comstock – CEO of GE Business Innovations – to media mavens Taylor Swift and Jennifer Lawrence, women are redefining their roles in the modern marketplace.
Some of the most powerful female entrepreneurs of today include Oprah Winfrey, Beyoncé, Lucy Peng, Sofia Vergara, and Sheryl Sandberg. Women have founded top brands Cisco, Bark & Co., SlideShare, Flickr, Build-a-Bear, and Proactiv. Naturals2Go wants to fuel the brave and bold businesswomen of the modern age. Learn the benefits of joining the healthy vending trend by launching your own vending business with our help. We want to help you make history.

5 Ways to Boost Your Employees’ Productivity in the Workplace

Improve Employee Productivity with Healthy Vending
Productivity can be your greatest asset as a business owner … or your greatest expense. If you’re one of many employers struggling to light a fire under your employees, there are proven ways to boost staff yield and efficiency. With just a few simple changes, you can inspire your workers to work smarter and harder. Here are five ways to enhance productivity in the office from the pros at Naturals2Go:

  1. Balance Your Noise Levels

A noisy work environment is not one that promotes productivity. However, a completely silent workplace is also not ideal. You must strike a careful balance. In a recent survey, the number one factor employees cite as disrupting productivity is noise. Voices chattering, music playing, loud machines buzzing – a workplace that’s too loud can be distracting. Yet not enough noise can make employees feel anxious and uncomfortable. Light background noise can put your staff at ease. Accomplish noise reduction by installing sound-absorbing furniture, such as throw rugs on tiled floors.

  1. Make Your Employees Comfortable

Full-time workers spend an average of 40 to 70 hours in the workplace every week of their lives. As an employer, it’s your job to make sure your staff members spend this time as efficiently as possible. If your office has uncomfortable chairs, outdated desks, and other elements that make employees uncomfortable, they cannot focus 100 percent of their attention on their tasks. Uncomfortable furniture can lead to health problems, increasing sick days and missed time at work.
Invest in ergonomic office furniture that supports strong, healthy body mechanics. Certain chairs, for example, have designs that reduce muscle tension and strain. Workers can sit in these chairs longer than other types, reducing downtime and keeping employees happier. Ergonomic desks also optimize employee comfort and physical well-being with smart designs and special features. Ergonomic furniture can be a significant investment, but you’ll enjoy stellar returns in the comfort and happiness of your workers.

  1. Eliminate Bad Lighting

Lighting in the office can present a significant issue for employees. When working inside all day, the lack of natural light can lead to headaches, drowsiness, and lack of energy. Fluorescent lights and artificial lights create a harsh work environment that stresses your employees. It can lead to a cold, clinical feel in the office that is not conducive to teamwork and productivity. At the same time, not enough light can contribute to sleepy staff members, eyestrain, and trip and fall accidents.
Find your ideal office lighting by implementing just the right amount of natural light. Combine light from the great outdoors with artificial lighting in appropriate ways, such as desk lamps with soft, warm light. Open the blinds in your office and try to hold conferences in the room with the most windows. Employees who can bask in real light may be more alert, productive, and useful around the office. Filling your office with sunlight is an easy way to boost workplace efficiency without spending a significant amount of money.

  1. Improve Air Quality

The air your employees breathe can make a considerable difference in how well they work. Inside air can affect the ability to work by making it uncomfortable or unsafe to remain in the office. Air quality involves ventilation, temperature, humidity, lack of outside air, and exposure to mold or harmful chemicals. Good indoor air quality can keep employees sharp, alert, and healthy. Signs that you have poor air quality at work include:

  • Unpleasant odors
  • Visible mold anywhere in the office
  • A hot and stuffy building
  • Physical symptoms such as headaches or drowsiness
  • Fever and illness
  • Cough, sore throat, respiratory problems
  • Shortness of breath or asthma
  • Water damage and leaks
  • Standing water

There are professionals you can hire to assess the indoor air quality in your office and recommend repairs – something as simple as opening a few windows in your office can improve indoor air quality and boost productivity. It can also help you avoid safety violations and liability for employee illnesses relating to poor work environment.

  1. Partner with an Independent Naturals2Go Healthy Vending Machine Operator

One of the simplest and most effective changes you can make to enhance worker productivity is to install an affordable, scalable Naturals2Go vending machine. You can’t control the quality of food your employees bring to work, but you can provide them with healthier snacks that fuel the body throughout the workday. By putting the right types of food within your employees’ reach, you can boost energy levels and reduce sick days.
If you currently have vending machines that offer only junk like potato chips, candy and soda, you’re serving foods that can ultimately impact productivity levels. Instead, you can contact Naturals2Go about getting a vending machine in your location and we can partner you up with one of our many independent operators. Your employees can snack on nutritious, protein-packed foods such as lentil chips, black bean chips, apple slices, fruit strips, Smartfood popcorn, and veggie crisps while at work. Brain food can contribute to your employees’ health, energy, and all-around success. Contact us today and we’ll connect you with a certified Naturals2Go Operator in your area!
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3 Essential Tips For Starting A Business While Working Full Time

Starting a business can be daunting.
First, there are the failure rates of new businesses. Then, there are the often large cash investments required. And don’t forget about the amount of time you must invest. It makes sense why most people would rather put off starting a business.
Continue reading “3 Essential Tips For Starting A Business While Working Full Time”

It's Never Too Late To Start Your Business

Everyone loves a winner.
That’s why we’re constantly bombarded by stories of incredible success. Some stories tell of working from the bottom to the top. Others tell of geniuses with a knack for coding. And still others tell of clever inventions.
Generally, the younger the person involved, the flashier the story.
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It’s Never Too Late To Start Your Business

Everyone loves a winner.

That’s why we’re constantly bombarded by stories of incredible success. Some stories tell of working from the bottom to the top. Others tell of geniuses with a knack for coding. And still others tell of clever inventions.

Generally, the younger the person involved, the flashier the story.

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Charlotte Healthy Way Brings Healthy Vending Options to the Charlotte, NC

Businesses, Schools and even Fitness Centers in the Charlotte,NC area are on a voyage to healthier snack options with the introduction to Naturals2Go vending machines being offered by Charlotte Healthy Way. The company offers an alternative to traditional vending machine fare laden with Trans Fat and High Fructose Corn Syrup.
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Piatek Vending Brings Healthy Vending Options to the North Jersey Area

Businesses, Schools and even Fitness Centers in the Morristown area are on a voyage to healthier snack options with the introduction to healthy vending machines being offered by Piatek Vending LLC. The company offers an alternative to traditional vending machine fare laden with Trans Fats and High Fructose Corn Syrup.
Randolph, NJ 09/14/2016
Local resident Ralph Piatek wanted to be involved in a business which could bring better snack and drink options to the people demanding them. People are more health conscious today – forcing workplaces, schools and gyms to set the example by providing better snack options. Thus, more and more businesses are trying to support people looking for ways to make healthier lifestyle choices.
With that in mind, Ralph Piatek is proud to announce the opening of Piatek Vending LLC — a new, local, healthy vending company with a mission to bring the reality of better options to Morris County residents, today. The equipment Ralph utilizes includes industry leading, high tech vending machines with a modern design. These new refreshment centers offer nutritional information for every snack and drink in the machine, so that customers can make informed decisions before they buy.
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