
Healthy Eating On-the-Go: Road Trip Snacks

Road trips have always been popular, but they’ve only become more common as the COVID-19 pandemic made travel by bus, airplane, and rail less doable over the past year. It’s safe to say that at some point on your road trip, you’re going to get hungry. And rather than stopping off at a fast-food joint, you’ll be better served by packing some healthy on-the-go snacks. Here are some great options:



Nuts are packed with healthy fats, protein, and fiber. Not only are they nutritious, but they also help you to feel full thanks to the protein and fiber content. Try to find a lightly seasoned variety that isn’t loaded down with a lot of salt, and you have a great, portable, easy-to-eat snack on the road.


Many jerky varieties are full of artificial preservatives and sodium but do some extra research, and you’ll find plenty of healthy, organic alternatives. Finding a healthy beef or chicken jerky strip is a fantastic way to satisfy those hunger cravings on the road! There are even jerkies out there that align with the gluten-free and Paleo diets, for example.

Dried Fruit

Fresh fruit is always an option for road trips, but you’re left with the banana peel or the apple core to dispose of. When you bring along a package of dried fruit, it’s a great low-mess way to get those nutrients in a more convenient package. Plus, it’s delicious! Try dried banana, apple slices, mango, or kiwi.

Protein Bars

Protein bars or nut bars are always a good option on the go, including for road trips. Try to find bars that are made with natural, organic ingredients with minimal preservatives and additives. Unfortunately, many protein bars aren’t that good for you thanks to artificial flavors and added sugar. If you can find a healthy version, though, it’s a great choice for your next adventure.

String Cheese

String cheese is conveniently packaged, easy to eat on the road, and more nutritious than you might think. They’re loaded with calcium and protein, and they don’t contain as much fat and calories as other types of snacks. Cheese wheels or chunks work well, too.


Ready for a New Adventure?

Whether it’s a road trip or a new and exciting career, now is the time to embark on your next great adventure. And Naturals2Go is here to help. Contact us today to learn more and enter the next phase of your journey.

Take Your Passion for Healthy Living to the Next Level

Owner-Operator Stories: Escaping the 9-5 with Miles Sage

In our Owner-Operator series, we interview existing Naturals2Go business owners about their experience. This series gives you a behind the scenes look at what it’s really like owning and operating  your own healthy snack vending machine business.


Introducing Miles Sage, a talented professional that was sick of the 9-5!


Miles was tired of the traditional 9-5 corporate jobs.  He wanted to be his own boss. He wanted an opportunity that he could do from home.


Enter Naturals2Go – the most awarded and most recognized healthy vending machine business opportunity.


Miles reached out to the Naturals2Go team to discuss the opportunity in more detail.  They worked with him to discuss the business and personal drivers that truly motivated him.  They worked with Miles to outline a business plan, provided support with funding, and walked Miles through the proven business process that so many others have found success with.


Today, Miles is an extremely successful business owner. Miles loves that his hard work and potential are paying off for himself–not some big corporation.


    • He loves how he is able to call the shots.
    • He works on his own schedule–when it’s convenient.
    • His time is now truly “his” time!


Ready to take the next step and start your own business?

Contact our team of business consultants to start your journey.  Take that first step now.



The Building Blocks of Your Vending Empire

The best entrepreneurial opportunities come about when there is a “perfect storm” of circumstances. And we’re living in such a time right now. The fields of vending and healthy foods are aligned in way that presents the ideal chance for building your empire — here’s why.


Snack purchasing is shifting.

The way that we think about snacking is vastly different than it was, say, 30 years ago, or even 15. And that’s one of the reasons why the healthy vending market is so exciting. More and more people now realize that snacking does not equal eating junk food. There’s been a push toward healthy eating for the whole family, and vending snacks can help facilitate that.

The vending industry is booming.

The vending industry was doing very well before the COVID-19 pandemic. And during the pandemic, it became essential. Vending machines were already set up to provide convenient, touchless ordering, which was perfect during the pandemic. And people still needed fast snacks while on-the-go. These factors combined means the industry is booming!

More people are understanding “healthy” eating.

Now more than ever, more people are getting on board with healthy eating in general, especially as “fad” diets fade away and people get to the root of good, clean eating. Vegetarianism and veganism are more popular than ever, as are methods of eating like the paleo diet or going gluten-free. And healthy snacks in vending machines are well positioned to serve those customers’ needs.

There is strong social support.

Wellness and nutrition are big topics not only socially, but politically. And with the advancements made in healthy eating only during the last few years, it’s not going away anytime soon. There is a lot of support for healthy eating across all avenues of our modern society — that means the healthy vending industry is set up perfectly to succeed in the coming decades.


Ready to Build Your Empire?

There’s no time like right now to get moving on your entrepreneurial journey. The healthy vending industry is your next great business opportunity. Contact Naturals2Go today to learn more about the industry and find out how partnering with us will get you started off the right way.

Learn More About a Naturals2Go Vending Business


Healthy Eating Series: Meal Prep Ideas for a Gluten-Free Diet

Are you giving gluten-free a try? It’s a great way to get some healthy meals into your diet rotation, even if you don’t need to avoid gluten like some folks. Read on for some great meal prep ideas for a gluten-free diet:


Chickpea Quinoa Salad

This Moroccan chickpea quinoa salad isn’t just delicious. It’s gluten-free. And it couldn’t be easier to prep in advance and stash in the refrigerator to warm up later (actually, it would be great cold, too!). With healthy ingredients like quinoa, chickpeas, sliced almonds, onion, and delicious Moroccan spices, it won’t disappoint in the flavor department, either.

Cashew Chicken Sheet Pan Dinner

For a gluten-free variation on a classic Asian dish, try the Cashew Chicken Sheet Pan dinner. All you have to do is cook up some chicken and your favorite vegetables in the oven, and use gluten-free ingredients for a tasty sauce. What’s even better is that you can easily divide the dish into smaller containers for meals on the go later in the week.

Breakfast Parfaits

If you can find gluten-free granola, creating a breakfast parfait in advance is a fantastic choice for a healthy, delicious, gluten-free meal. Layer some Greek yogurt and raspberry jam over your gluten-free granola in a jar or small container, and you have the perfect parfait for your morning routine. Or, pack it for a healthy mid-morning or afternoon snack.

Gluten-Free Manicotti

Who doesn’t love a comforting pasta dish? If you can find gluten-free manicotti shells, or make your own using gluten-free flour, you’re all set. Follow this Homemade Manicotti recipe to see how easy it is. Plus, the finished product couldn’t be easier to divide up into containers and save for later. It’s a great meal-prep option for the whole family, and it’s gluten-free to boot.

Baked Salmon

If you’re a fish fan, baked salmon recipes are a great option for a delicious, gluten-free lunch or dinner. Of course, salmon is one of the healthiest fish options out there, too. Use this baked salmon recipe as a guide — it includes delicious ingredients like Brussels sprouts, fresh basil, garlic, and lemon. Since salmon refrigerates and heats up well, it’s the perfect idea for a meal-prep option, too.

Try Gluten-Free Meals and See How You Feel

As gluten-free eating becomes more and more popular, give a few of these options a try. We’re betting you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how easy, convenient, and tasty they really are.

Take Your Passion for Healthy Living to the Next Level

How COVID-19 Impacted the Future of Vending Machines

COVID-19 disrupted many industries. The vending machine industry, however, was resilient — it was set up well from the beginning to weather something like a pandemic, and it did exactly that. Let’s take a look at some of the ways the pandemic impacted the future of the vending machine industry:


Vending machines will continue to provide steady income.

Before the pandemic, vending machines tended to provide solid, steady sources of income. And the COVID-19 pandemic didn’t change that. With the move to contactless, unmanned service, vending machines were already set up to that end — vending machines provided a contactless way to get a snack long before restaurants and eateries were forced to adapt.

Placement options have expanded.

We tend to think of vending machines as sitting in the lobby of the office park, or in the hallway at a school. But the truth is that there are many more options for placement, especially as the desire and need for contactless service sticks around. Vending machines make sense in gyms, apartment complexes, even at the supermarket.

Healthy vending options became even more popular.

If there’s one thing that the pandemic made many people more conscious about, it’s health. That’s one reason why healthy options in vending machines are more popular than ever. When customers visit vending machines, they’re pleased to find healthy options like protein bars, seeds and nuts, jerky, and dried fruit.

Interest in vending machine ownership increased.

As more and more people found themselves out of work, they started looking for supplemental or alternative sources of income. And many made the discovery that vending machine ownership was a clear path to success. Whether it’s a side gig or your full-time job, becoming a healthy vending operator is a great way to enter a career path that isn’t slowing down.


Get in on the Action

Are you interested in learning more about the world of healthy vending? Partner with Naturals2Go to start your entrepreneurial journey in this exciting space. Contact us today to learn more and get started on your journey.

A Career That Protects Your Future

Naturals2Go Featured on FranServe’s FranTastic InSights Series

Naturals2Go’s own Heath Falzarano and Lyndsey Wolfsmith were recently featured on FranServe’s FranTastic InSights series.


Health and Lyndsey talk about the flexible nature of the Nature2Go business opportunity and why that is so appealing to new business owners. They also discuss the advantage of no territory restrictions and more!


Watch the full interview with FranServe’s CEO Alecia Visconti:


Alternative Snacking Options

Like it or not, sometimes you just don’t have access to healthy, convenient snacking options. If you come across a vending machine that lacks any especially healthy options, you’re left with no choice except to pick the healthiest option you can. Let’s take a look at some of the healthiest options that can be found in most vending machines:


Seeds and Nuts

If you can find a packet of nuts or seeds or even trail mix, go for it. It’s one of the healthiest options you’re likely to find in a vending machine. Nuts are full of protein, healthy fats, and fatty acids. They’re also high in fiber, so they help you to feel full without eating a huge amount. When it comes to trail mix, try to avoid mixes with a lot of sugary sweeteners, like chocolate or candy.


Pretzels are usually a better option than potato chips. Chips are likely to be cooked in fat, while pretzels are often baked. Either snack can have a high sodium content, so be aware of that when you’re making your selection.


Jerky is, perhaps surprisingly, a good option when you’re looking for a healthy snack from a vending machine. Although somewhat high in salt content, beef jerky is also a good source of protein and minerals like zinc. While jerky isn’t really ideal for a daily snack, picking up a stick of jerky every once in a while is a more healthy option than chips or candy.

Granola Bars

Most vending machines have granola bars of some kind. The trick is choosing bars with all-natural ingredients, low sugar and fat, and high protein levels. Look for healthy protein bars that don’t contain a lot of processed ingredients and use natural sweeteners, like honey.


If you come across reduced-fat popcorn in a vending machine, know that it’s a healthier snack option than many of its competitors. Popcorn is a natural whole grain with lots of fiber, and if you can find a version without a lot of salt or butter, it’s a reasonably healthy option.


Make the Most of Your Options

If you come across a vending machine that’s lacking healthy options, you’ll just have to choose the best option that’s available. And the choices above are a good start. Look for them the next time you go for a snack!

Take Your Passion for Healthy Living to the Next Level

How Can I Get a Healthy Vending Machine For My Office

Vending machines are popular in offices and workplaces because people want and need convenient, affordable access to quality food during the day. And if your business doesn’t have a full-service cafeteria, an office vending machine can be a great option for employees or customers to grab a snack, meal replacement or even fresh foods without leaving your office.  Here are some tips on getting a vending machine for your office.  

Benefits of a Healthy Vending Machine at Work

There are numerous benefits of a vending machine at your office or workplace, including:  


    • Employee satisfaction:
      A hungry or worse – 
      hangry employee is not a productive employee. Vending machines at work provide employees with instant access to snacks, exactly when they need them.  
    • Productivity:
      If your employees are constantly running to the coffee shop or store down the street, that’s precious time spent away from work, and it adds up quickly. Placing a vending machine in your office can keep employees at their desks for longer every day.

    • Healthy options:
      We tend to think of vending machines as 
      dispensing candy bars, chips and sodas. While it’s fine to offer these to your employees, there is no reason why you can’t stock a machine with healthier options. Employees often struggle to balance everyday responsibilities and maintain a healthy diet, often opting for quick and easy grabandgo food. Employees appreciate that the company is promoting a healthy workplace and that nutritious food is available throughout the day. Better still, you could opt for a hybrid vending machine that stocks healthy snacks as well as chocolate and chips, ensuring you’re catering to all staff tastes and cravings. 
    • Customer convenience:
      If you have customers coming in and out of your workplace, a vending machine can be a great option. Many of these people will be hungry throughout the 
      day and providing fast access to a snack can help you score big points in customer satisfaction.  
    • Customer experience:
      Vending machines in the workplace can also provide a better experience for your customers, especially if they have to wait for long periods of time
      , like at a car dealership or a shop, for example. 
    • Cost-effectiveness:
      For employees on a budget, vending machines are a cost-effective approach to eating during the day since they’ll be able to save money on the cost of items at a store.  
    • Low overhead:
      Vending machines are also cost-effective for the business. One of the main attractions of a vending machine is how low maintenance they are, which in turn lowers overhead
      . Unlike an in-house cafeteria, there are no staff requirements, and a machine will happily work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 
    • Simple management:
      Vending machines in your office are quite easy to manage. When you work with a good vending machine company, they can handle the restocking and the maintenance, so you rarely ever have to think about the machines, except to collect the income. 
    • Save space:
      Vending machines can be large, but they are actually designed to save space. You don’t have to worry about renting out an area to prepare and serve food, and vending machines pack a lot of options for the amount of space that they take up.


If you are thinking about placing a vending machine in your workplace, it’s worth exploring your local options, so your business can reap the benefits. 


Choosing the Right Vending Machine for the Office

Finding the right vending machine for your office can be overwhelming. You have a variety of options when it comes to choosing a vending machine company to work with, but there are some important factors to consider when partnering with a vending company:


    • Choose a reputable company:
      As with any buying decision, choosing the right vending machine company to stock your workplace means looking for a company with a good reputation. Check out their reviews and 
      business history before entering into an agreement.  
    • Local ownership:
      You want to work with local owners who can work closely with you to ensure that your workplace vending machines are clean, stocked and well-maintained. 
    • Machines should accept a variety of payment options:
      In today’s digital world, cashless payment options are an absolute must. You want your employees and customers to be able to access the
      office vending machine when they need it, so card readers, chip scannersvirtual payment options and even company-issued prepaid pins should be part of the machine’s technology. 
    • You should be able to make your own stock choices:
      The needs of your employees are unique. You may want a mix of stack items and meal replacement items
      , or you may even want fresh foods. Work with a company that allows you to make your own stock choices.  
    • Remote monitoring:
      You have enough going on every day. Worrying about keeping your office vending machine stocked shouldn’t be one of them. Choose a company with remote monitoring
      , as they will be alerted early on when it’s time to restock items to your employees and customers never run out.  


Choosing the right vending machine partner for your business can make all the difference when it comes to employees utilizing those machines at break and mealtimes. Make sure to conduct thorough research before committing to a vending partnership.  


How Much Do Vending Machines Cost  


In some cases, vending machines can be a bit of a cost outlay for a business, but there are many ways to reduce or even eliminate those costs.  


You might consider leasing a vending machine for your office, which can cost anywhere from $50 per month to $200 per month per machine. Leases can run anywhere from one year to five years or more Some vending machine leasing companies also require a down payment or a security deposit. And some may offer incentives or deals like no payments for 90 days or free/discounted inventory delivery. Additionally, you’ll want to figure in the cost of your inventory when calculating the cost of leasing a vending machine for your office. It can be difficult to estimate the total cost of products because it depends entirely on what kind of products you choose and how often the machines are used. 


You may also consider purchasing a vending machine for your office. With this option, you have more control of the machine and its operation, but there are significant costs associated with purchasing. You can get an older vending machine for around $1,000 on the secondary market, or you can purchase a new one, but those costs can be as high as $6,000-$10,000 per machine. With this option, you also have to consider the cost of maintenance. If you own the machine yourself, you are responsible for maintaining its operation.  


The most cost-effective option is to work with a company that will provide you with vending machines for your workplace without any upfront cost to your business. These options sometimes require a minimum number of employees or customer foot traffic to ensure profitability. Naturals2Go, the top healthy vending machine company in the industry, does have options for businesses looking for vending machines at no cost. You get all the benefits of having a vending machine in your workplace without the cost or hassle of buying or leasing the equipment.  


Healthy Vending at Work  


When it comes to stocking a vending machine in your workplace, deciding what to put in it can be challenging. Your employees and customers all have unique tastes, so how do you know who to cater to? Do you fill it with chips and candy bars? Healthy-only snacks?  


You won’t be able to make every employee one hundred percent happy, but the best you can do to hit everyone’s priorities is to simply provide options. Yes, you want to be responsible and provide healthy vending options at work, but those options can also include snacks that feel like indulgences.  


Healthy options benefit both you and your employees. People who fuel their bodies with quality foods are more focused during the day. They have increased energyand their productivity levels increase. People who eat healthy snacks during the day are also less likely to experience the blood sugar spikes and crashes that come along with eating unhealthy snacks or lots of refined sugars during the day. 


When you make healthy snacks convenient, and you provide enough options to hit people with a sweet tooth, as salty craving or the need to replace a meal, your workplace vending machine will be successful, and your business may just be more successful, as well 


Get a Vending Machine at Work Now 

If you are ready to give your employees and customers access to healthy snack options during the day and to reap the benefits of happier, healthier people, Naturals2Go can help. We can help you provide quality snacks and foods, including (but not limited to):  

    • Beanitos 
    • Chef Boyardee 
    • Nature’s Choice 
    • Cliff 
    • Luna 
    • Welches
    • Emily’s 
    • Halo 
    • Nudie’s 
    • FiberOne 


Contact our team today to learn about our options for getting a vending machine at work now. We look forward to partnering with you.  



Naturals2Go Named to Franserve’s Fran-Tastic 500 List for 2021

Naturals2Go, a division of VendTech International, is a leading provider of healthy snack and beverage vending machines. They offer a rewarding business opportunity for entrepreneurs seeking to capitalize on the growing vending and wellness industries. The company has recently been recognized by FranServe and earned a spot on their Fran-Tastic 500 2021 List.    


“We’re proud and honored to receive another award that showcases business opportunities that help people fulfill their lifelong dreams,” says Heath Falzarano, President of VendTech. “Our success is really driven by the success of our owner-operators. We place a strong focus on developing a proven model that allows our operators to reach their full potential.” 


Alesia Visconti, CEO of FranServe, Inc. says, “Franchising is a way for many people to be an entrepreneur and be their own boss. A brand that makes our annual “FRAN-TASTIC 500” list demonstrates that it goes above and beyond the norm in helping people fulfill their dreams of business ownership through franchising!  It’s a brand that sets itself apart!” 



About Naturals2Go 


Naturals2Go is the healthy snack and beverage division of VendTech International, a trusted partner helping the entrepreneurial-minded startup businesses across the world for over 30 years. Naturals2Go is an innovator in healthy vending and is the highest rated Vending Business Opportunity Company in the US. 


About FranServe
As the world’s largest franchise consulting and expansion organization, FranServe connects entrepreneurs to franchise opportunities, introduce franchisors to qualified people, and train the industry’s most knowledgeable consultants to make it all happen. Our culture, technology, reach and scale are helping us revolutionize the industry. 




If you would like more information about Naturals2Go, email  or visit Naturals2Go on the Web at