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Types of Jobs That Can Foster a Transferrable Skillset

Posted by VendTech Media - November 2, 2021
Types of Jobs That Can Foster a Transferrable Skillset

We’ve talked before about transferrable skills that are great for a career change. Things like problem-solving ability, communication skills, multitasking ability, and flexibility are essential in all sorts of jobs and careers. But what about specific kinds of jobs that help you build those transferable skills? What should you be focusing on in your current line of work that can help you in the future?  

Here are just four types of jobs that can help foster transferable skills for your future self: 

Customer Service Jobs

Those who have worked in customer service are well aware of the multitude of skills it takes to do the job well. You need excellent communication skills to interact with a wide variety of customers; flexibility and adaptability to roll with the punches; problem-solving acumen to resolve issues as they arise. And those are just a few examples. It’s safe to say that working in the world of customer service prepares one well for future endeavors, no matter what they may be.  

Administrative Jobs

Administrative and clerical professionals keep organizations running at the ground level. And it’s these individuals’ organizational skills, attention to detail, multitasking abilities, and adaptability that really make it work. All of those skills are, of course, easily transferable to other types of careers. From managing schedules and communicating with customers to invoicing and filling orders, a variety of administrative and clerical skills will serve you well in all sorts of other jobs.  

Management Jobs

What organization, operation, or team doesn’t need a leader? People in management roles have plenty of transferable skills for other types of positions, even if those positions are not necessarily in leadership. Even someone who is their own manager—a small business owner, for example—possesses essential skills that will serve them well across a wide variety of industries and roles. Problem-solving abilities, patience, teamwork, communication skills, flexibility… the list goes on. 

Tech Jobs

It’s safe to say that technology plays a role in nearly every industry. Those in the technical world can merge into all sorts of other roles and find that their skillsets are quite useful. IT professionals, data analysts, logistics coordinators, developers, UI/UX designers, and much more can transition into other kinds of industries with the skills they have, even if those industries aren’t in the tech world itself.  


Ready for a New Journey?

If you’re interested in the flexibility of making your own schedule and answering only to yourself, the world of healthy vending might suit you well. Start your entrepreneurial journey by contacting a member of the Naturals2Go team.  

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