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Healthy Eating Series: What Does It Really Mean to Eat “Organic”

Posted by VendTech Media - July 30, 2020
Healthy Eating Series: What Does it Really Mean to Eat "Organic"

Organic foods have become extremely popular in the past few decades, and with good reason. Organic foods — in the United States, at least — must be grown without the use of bioengineered genes (GMOs), synthetic pesticides, and petroleum- or sludge-based fertilizers. As we learn more and more about the harmful health effects of these additives, more consumers want to avoid them by buying organic.


Let’s take a look at the benefits of organic foods, which foods to focus on at the grocery store, and how to make buying organic an affordable option.

What Are The Benefits of Organic Food?

To put it simply, organic foods tend to be far healthier for you than non-organic foods. That’s because they contain no GMOs, often have higher concentrations of certain nutrients, and don’t use chemical pesticides. And in addition to the health benefits, organic-food farming tends to be better for the environment, as this type of farming reduces pollution, increases fertility of the soil, and conserves water and energy. So, organic foods are better for you and the world at large!

What Organic Foods Should You Buy?

It’s important to realize that just because organic foods are generally good for you, everything you purchase at the grocery store does not have to have the “organic” label on it. Fruits and vegetables are where the label matters the most, as they tend to have the highest pesticide levels. Even so, certain fruits and veggies are generally very low in pesticides, so you can skip the organic label if you want to.


Fruits and vegetables that you SHOULD buy organic include apples, grapes, cucumbers, bell peppers, celery, kale, cherry tomatoes, peaches, spinach, and strawberries. Fruits and vegetables that are generally “clean” include onions, mushrooms, avocados, asparagus, eggplant, kiwi, mango, grapefruit, cabbage, sweet corn, sweet potatoes, pineapple, and cantaloupe, so you can buy these in conventionally grown versions.

How Can You Buy Organic Food Without Breaking the Bank?

One of the biggest complaints about buying organic foods is, of course, that it’s almost always more expensive than conventionally grown foods. This is because the organic food supply is limited compared to the demand — if more people demanded organic food, the price would drop significantly!


For now, one way to offset the higher cost is to skip the “organic” label when appropriate, as discussed above. It’s also worth taking a trip to the farmer’s market instead of your grocery store, where prices will likely be cheaper. You should also buy fruits and vegetables that are in season, rather than out-of-season, as they will always be cheaper and fresher.


Make The Switch

Try picking up some organic produce at the grocery store during your next trip. Do your research and buy smart — organic foods are good for you and the environment, and they’re delicious. That’s good for everyone!

Naturals2Go Healthy Living Blog

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