What Makes a Snack Healthy

Healthy Food Trends Are Good for Business and Community

Thanks to research, we know that sugar is more addictive than cocaine. Americans are now on the hunt for more wholesome snack-food alternatives. Healthy snack trends are cropping up all over the country as people pursue healthier lifestyles. These healthy food trends are beneficial in combating our country’s obesity epidemic.

This is why healthy vending options are becoming so popular. People are always going to be busy, so they need fast, on-the-go choices that help them stick to their commitment to eat better. A healthy snack vending business is a great way to make money and help the community at the same time.

Healthy Snack Trends

Companies are working to meet the demand for healthy snack choices and alternative options to fatty, sugary fare from vending machines. Healthy snack trends are something people of all ages can enjoy. Depending upon the location of your machine, you may see business from more young adults, seniors, or families. All these locations are profitable, because everyone benefits from eating foods that have:

  • Fewer calories
  • Reduced sugar
  • Lower fat content
  • No trans-fat
  • Less sodium
  • Healthy Food Trends

Healthy snack trends aren’t just for the conscious consumer. Even the federal government has realized that obesity is at an epidemic level. It has begun implementing special programs and incentives as a response. Websites such as ChooseMyPlate offer detailed resources backed by years of research. They’re great tools for helping select portions for more balanced meals.

With the implementation of the Healthy Hungry Kids Act, the growing healthy snack trend has become an even more important influence in snacks and beverages available in schools. Cutting extra sugars, preservatives, and unnecessary fats and calories is now in the forefront at all schools.


Navigating healthy snack trends can seem a bit tricky, but you never have to do it alone. Programs such as CaMP and our VENDPRO Education Center help you decide exactly what to include in your machines, based on the most current information. When you work with Naturals2Go, you’ll have all the data you need to make your business a success. Check out our market research for more information.

Contact us if you are ready to start a healthy vending business. We will send you an invitation to our private online webinar presentation for a full overview of the Naturals2Go Business Program.