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Finding Time for Family as a Small Business Owner

Posted by Al Goldsmith - August 21, 2013

Owning a small business takes a great deal of your time. Okay, it can take all of your time if you’re not careful. You’re passionate about your business, but you don’t want for the time that you spend focusing on your small business to take away from important time that you would like to spend with the people who are important to you – especially your family.

Read on for three important tips for getting your family involved in your small business — meaning more time together and a less packed schedule.

Get the kids involved

Rather than separating the two worlds of family and work, combine them! Find appropriate tasks that your kids could work on while you work on other tasks at home. Not only will this allow you to get some of the more simple tasks checked off your to-do list, but it builds confidence and skills in age-appropriate doses. This educational experience will help your kids learn more about what you do and more about what they might be good at. They can also learn skills from you that they might not learn in a traditional educational setting.

Set limits on work time

When it’s time to work, it’s time to work. That’s pretty easy to handle. But when it’s time for family, it can be difficult to say no to the temptation of responding to that text or email, or not returning that phone call. It’s important that the boundaries that you have around your family time are just as rigid as those that you put around your work time. But how? The easiest way to resist temptation is to stay away from the temptation in the first place. Turn off your phone or computer, or leave it in your office. That way you can deal with work matters when you determine that it is work time.

When you see them, really see them

While it can be tempting to sit back and relax for a movie with the family, this is not really quality time. When you can see your family, make sure you’re maximizing your time together by getting outside and playing, enjoying a board game together, or simply sitting face to face and having a conversation. The time that you spend with your family doesn’t have to be elaborately planned out or super-expensive in order for everyone to get a lot out of it.

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