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Facial Recognition Technology in Healthy Vending

Posted by Naturals2Go - April 25, 2014

It’s an exciting time to start a healthy vending business, thanks to new technology now available with Naturals2Go business opportunities. Naturals2Go provides healthy vending business opportunities – not franchises – to entrepreneurs and self-starters all over the United States. With several years of strong growth and multiple awards that include  recognition as the 2012 and 2013 Business Opportunity of the Year from the Franchise Brokers Association, Naturals2Go continues to pave the way for innovation in an industry typically viewed as behind the times.

“We treat each new healthy vending operator’s business as if it were our own.” says President and Founder Randy Francis. “We look for ways to give our vending operators a competitive advantage in an increasingly competitive marketplace, and this new facial recognition service makes us unique.”

Customers of Naturals2Go healthy vending machines can approach one of their brightly colored vending machines and tap the interactive screen to initiate facial recognition mode. The small camera recognizes a repeat customer and offers fast access to their favorite items, and can even offer loyalty discounts and special prices on suggested product. Until the recognition mode it activated, the camera on the front of the vending machine stays off, out of respect of those who are near the vending machine but do not interact with it directly.
Positioning the company as a provider of technology enablers to help vending operators is not new to Naturals2Go. The company has also developed a suite of cloud-based business operator tools that are exclusively available to the company’s independent operators. In addition, Naturals2Go offers access to their online training and business development program, Vend Tech University, to its hundreds of vending operators. This combination of technology tools helps vending operators start faster, grow more quickly, and more easily manage the day to day operators of their business.

Healthy businesses continue to emerge all over the country, as consumers and communities make healthier choices about their meals and lifestyles. Quick access to better choices ensures that consumers get what they need, regardless of where they are. Individuals interested in starting a business should contact Naturals2Go to learn about their healthy vending opportunity through the company’s website.

Naturals2Go is an Idaho Falls, Idaho-based business opportunity with 27 years of operating experience and hundreds of business customers. The organization’s mission is to help people start the businesses they’ve always dreamed of, so that they can live the way they want. Learn more by calling the company at (800) 679-8370.

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